Petition to Direct

HOME About Contact Page Petition to Direct PAP Bylaws Audition Forms Playwright Competition Children's Theater Workshop registration


A petition to direct is required for each play even if you have directed for Paradise Alley Players before.

Your Name ______________________________

Telephones (home) ___ ___ ____ (work) ___ ___ ____   (cell)___ ___ ____

Address: Number _________ Street_______________________

City ______________________ State __________ Zip _____ ____

What plays have you directed?

Play ______________________ Date of performance __________

Theater company ________________________________________

Play ______________________ Date of performance __________

Theater company ________________________________________

Play ______________________ Date of performance __________

Theater company ________________________________________



What other theater experience do you have? (acting, sound, lights, stage manager, set construction, design and art work, orchestra, other)

Play ______________________ Date of performance __________

Role or function _________________________________________

Theater company ________________________________________

Play ______________________ Date of performance __________

Role or function _________________________________________

Theater company ________________________________________

Play ______________________ Date of performance __________

Role or function _________________________________________

Theater company ________________________________________


Copy and paste this form to your word document, print it out and then fill it in.

Mail a copy to :
PAP -Petition to Direct
PO Box 885&
Marion, IL


Bring a copy to the board meeting held the first tuesday of each month at the Marion Cultural and Civic Center, 800 Tower Square, Marion, Illinois.